membership process

Thomas Ward teward at
Tue Oct 14 18:23:11 UTC 2014

BugSquad has a different membership process from BugControl, the actual group who gets additional bug permissions.

You may want to start here to read about Bug Control.


*Sent from my iPhone.  Please excuse any typos, as they are likely to happen by accident.*

> On Oct 14, 2014, at 14:11, ∅ <wxl at> wrote:
> It seems to me that the final step of becoming a member so that one
> can actually help with triage is to join the team on Launchpad. While
> I have done this and been accepted, I do not have the ability to
> change importance or mark a bug as triaged. Am I missing a step?
> wxl
> -- 
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> Ubuntu-bugsquad at

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