What if users warned about critical bugs?

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 23:33:32 UTC 2014

Alberto Salvia Novella:
 > What do you see when you look at <http://tinyurl.com/qefxjoo>?

C de-Avillez:
> I am pretty sure I know the definitions for importance values but,
> anyway, thank you for pointing them to me.

What I mean is if you feel that users could tell which the appropriate 
importance is by reading <http://tinyurl.com/qefxjoo>.

C de-Avillez:
 > Our experience on Ubuntu, and my personal experience when doing
 > support work professionally, still shows me that end-users should not
 > have access to importance, as implemented in LP.

It could be, but it would be nice testing with an interface whose 
descriptions are concise for anyone.

C de-Avillez:
 > So, even if we are to allow end-users (the original posters) to email
 > BugControl stating a bug is critical -- but*NOT*  changing importance
 > directly -- I have serious doubts about how effective it will be.

It depends on how much false positives there will be.

Alberto Salvia Novella:
 > We can try, perhaps by setting a new ML for that. But
 > definitely NOT by having the OP email BugControl.

I think we will be able to decide this better after having some metrics, 
as it isn't the same moderating 1 mail a month or 25.

C de-Avillez:
 > We can then verify how much overhead it will be.

Better to test first with a personal email, so we can omit setting up 
all that infrastructure with the risk of jumping it later on.

C de-Avillez:
 > At least for the beginning, I do not expect many emails, but that
 > might change as this new channel gets to be known.

We can take metrics till, for example, some weeks after Ubuntu 14.10 has 
been released; when users usually report the greatest quantity of bugs.


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