[Community Help Wiki] Update of "ReportingBugs" by es20490446e
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The "ReportingBugs" page has been changed by es20490446e:
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= How to report bugs =
Ubuntu uses [[Launchpad]] to keep track of bugs and their fixes. This page will guide you through the steps required to file a good and detailed report.
== Create a Launchpad account ==
If you don’t already have one - you need to [[https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/NewAccount|create a Launchpad account]]. This will allow you to file new bugs and comment on existing ones.
== Determine if the bug is really a bug ==
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* '''Filing a bug against a program not provided by an Ubuntu package:''' You should file a bug in that program's bug tracking interface. Instructions are generally available on the program's web site.
/!\ If you want to file a translation or misspelling bug, follow the instructions [[#translation|here]].
== Perform a survey of your problem ==
First, check the release notes for your version of Ubuntu:
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* [[http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1204|Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)]]
* [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes#Known_issues|Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)]] <<BR>>
Second, check Launchpad for any duplicates, and make note of this.
=== Desktop Applications ===
For [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures#Desktop_Applications|desktop applications]], if you find an already reported bug that is exactly like the problem you have, please feel free to add this information to the existing report, rather than opening a new one. However, if you have any doubt as to it being the same or not, please file a separate report.
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== Reporting an application crash in the development release ==
Please report an application crash via the methods outlined below and at [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash]].
If an application crashes, and you're using a development release, Apport should start automatically, raising an appropriate bug report for you to complete in Launchpad. This report is subsequently processed by [[Apport Retracing Service]], in order to provide developers with debugging information that make it easier to fix the problem.
== Reporting an application crash in the stable release ==
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/!\ apport will appear to upload a crash report, but only actually does so if whoopsie is installed. Whoopsie is installed by default for users of ubuntu-desktop, but for users of alternative desktops, or for server users, whoopsie has to be installed manually with ''apt-get install whoopsie''. See [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-meta/+bug/1001630|bug #1001630]] for details.
== Reporting a system crash ==
If your system lockups up, freezes, logs you out, etc., then this is not an application crash, but a system crash. Please see below, and consult the following article for these types of problems [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSystemCrash]].
== Reporting non-crash hardware and desktop application bugs ==
The method for reporting bugs in Ubuntu is by using the tool “ubuntu-bug”, otherwise known as '''Apport'''. When reporting a bug, you must tell Apport which program or [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#What%20is%20a%20package?|package]] is at fault.
=== Collecting information from a specific package ===
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Then, type `ubuntu-bug <package name>` and press Enter. If you’re not sure which package has the problem, refer to the instructions for [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage|finding the right package]].
=== Collecting information about a program with a window open ===
If you want to file a bug about an application but you don't know what that application's package name is, if it has an open window you are in luck.
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After you close the dialog the next window that you click on will have a problem report created for the package that created the window.
=== Collecting information from a currently running program ===
To file a bug against a program that is currently running, open the System Monitor application and find the ID of the process.
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||<style="border: 1px solid black">{{attachment:unity-ubuntu-bug-pid.png | Filing a bug with the “Run Command” screen and a process ID}}||
== Filing a general bug against no particular package ==
If you’re not sure which package is affected by the bug, type `ubuntu-bug` in the “Run Command” screen and press Enter. This will guide you through a series of questions to gather more information about the bug and help you assign it to the appropriate package.
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== Complete the bug report filing process ==
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When you're done, click "Submit bug report".
+ == Warn about a critical bug ==
+ If the bug you just reported causes '''data corruption''' or renders the system temporally or permanently '''unusable''', please [[mailto:Ubuntu Bug Control team <ubuntu-bugcontrol at lists.launchpad.net>?subject=Please, set this bug importance as critical|warn the Ubuntu Bug Control team]] about it.
= Tips and tricks =
== Filing bugs when off-line ==
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You will need to answer a few questions, and a web browser will be launched to complete the bug report. Please do not attach the `.apport` or `.crash` file to the report, as this is not the same as performing the above mentioned steps.
== Filing bugs at Launchpad.net ==
If for some reason you cannot file a bug using the ''Apport'' tool you can file one via [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect | Launchpad's own bug report form]]. When doing so it is best if you have determined which package it should be filed against. Read '[[http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage|finding the right package]]' for guidance or use [[ http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/ | Launchpad's package search feature ]]. We don't recommend this method for most bug reports because they will likely be missing crucial information, use ubuntu-bug if you can!
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In the event that you want to request a piece of software be packaged for Ubuntu please follow the instructions in the [[ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages#Requesting%20a%20new%20package%20for%20Ubuntu | wiki ]].
== Crashes ==
If an application crashes, [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport|Apport]] will start automatically, raising an appropriate bug report for you to complete in Launchpad. This provides developers with rich debugging information that will make it easier to fix the problem.
||<style="border: 1px solid black">{{attachment:apport-1.png}}||
== Error: The launchpadlib Python module is not installed ==
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sudo apt-get -y install python-launchpadlib
=== Package libreoffice not installed and no hook available, ignoring ===
If one attempts to apport-collect and gets the error message: {{{
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sudo apt-get -y install libreoffice
=== Crash reports ===
If your attachment is a crash report (ex. found in directory /var/crash), please do not attach it to an existing report. Instead, file a new report via a terminal so that [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApportRetracingService|Apport Retracing Service]] may process it:
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ubuntu-bug my_crash_report.crash
=== Non-crash userspace bugs ===
Sometimes it is useful to take a picture (with a camera or via PrtSc button), or [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screencast|screencast]] of the problem to demonstrate how you reproduced it, what the bug specifically shows, and the impact it has.
== Filing a translation bug ==
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= Getting advice =
Still have doubts about the bug report filing process? You can ask someone on [[irc://irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu-bugs|#ubuntu-bugs]] on the [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat|Freenode IRC]] server or on the [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-bugsquad|bugsquad mailing list]].
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= Bug reporting etiquette =
Thank you for reading this article. This will guide you on how best to present your bug report so that it gets addressed as soon as possible. While this is targeted to the new bug reporter, experienced reporters would find these tips invaluable in getting their bugs looked at by a developer and ultimately fixed.
== All bug reports ==
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* '''Please check to see if you problem is a regression.''' <<BR>> If your bug is a regression, it is most helpful to have it bisected. If it is a linux kernel issue, one would consult the article on [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBisection|bisection]]. Report your bisect results in the report.
* '''Please do not run apport-collect more than once per release tested.''' <<BR>> For example, if you originally reported a bug in Trusty via Apport, and then could reproduce it in Utopic, only run apport-collect once in Trusty. This minimizes unnecessary E-Mail traffic to those subscribed to your report and keeps the report efficient.
== Hardware bug reports (linux kernel, xorg, sound, etc.) ==
* '''Before filing your report, please update your BIOS, and hardware firmware (CF card readers, SSDs, USB 3.0 controllers, DVD/CD drives, external USB drives, etc.) to the newest available from your vendor.''' <<BR>> Outdated and buggy BIOS and firmware is a common cause of a variety of hardware issues (ex. freezing after lightDM login, intermittent wireless, suspend/hibernate not working, intermittent touchpad, certain keys on keyboard not working correctly, card readers not working, and kernel panics after plugging USB drive in). Also, please don't make the invalid argument that because it works in Windows, but doesn't in linux, this isn't caused by an outdated BIOS. This is due to how buggy BIOS problems may manifest themselves in linux, but not in Windows, and vice versa. As well, because BIOS vendors typically test to Windows only and make release notes commenting on results to it, it wouldn't advise on if a problem in linux is resolved by it. Hence, one should update anyways, even if your problem isn't specifically mentioned. In addition, BIOS updates are for collateral damage avoidance. For more about BIOS updates, please see [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BiosUpdate|here]].
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* [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs_de|Deutsch]]
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= See Also =
* Netiquette Guidelines - [[http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1855.txt]]
More information about the Ubuntu-bugsquad
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