Papercut definition updated

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at
Sat Mar 15 10:15:13 UTC 2014

El 13/03/14 20:12, Alberto Salvia Novella escribió:
> While setting importances for around 200 bugs, I realized the papercut
> definition was too complicated to be taken into practice by anyone,
> including myself. So I've overly simplified it.
> - affecting the future release.
> (...)

It seems to me important to explain this decision.

What happens is papercuts' fixes, because being minor defects, rarely 
land in stable release updates; as seen in 
<>. So working in something 
that will never reach a release is just useless.

On the other hand, I'm going to include a task for testing if old 
papercuts are still affecting the future release where they can land. 
More luckily Ubuntu release circle is going to be shortened, making 
papercuts' fixes to be delivered continuously in the near future.


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