Bug Weekend concluded

Javier López chilicuil at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 10 19:39:27 UTC 2014

Awesome work Alberto, thanks for the courtesy, however I won't be able to accept
it, since I couldn't participate in the second edition even when I had already
edited the wiki page to do so.

In the other hand, I'd like to suggest to take a look at:


I think it has the potential to fit better on these workshops. All listed bugs
already contain patches, so it gets easier to inspect them, review them and
merge them in Ubuntu.

Hope this isn't the latest Ubuntu Bug Weekend I see in a while.


On 10/03/14 at 02:23pm, Alberto Salvia Novella wrote:
> Thank you for helping out in the Ubuntu Bug Weekend
> (http://tinyurl.com/nd89z8d), where bug management was more needed
> at this time.
> Additionally, the following people won a gift for their special
> contribution:
>  * Javier López (chilicuil), for being so supportive and being the
> only participant in the previous round of the Bug Week, helping
> setting priority to 28 bugs.
>  * Ross Gammon (retail-0), for being the one with the greatest
> contribution to the bug confirmation; not only in quantity but also
> in quality.
>  * Walter Garcia-Fontes (walter-garcia), for being so close to being
> managed as many bugs as Ross Gammon; (although I see it has been not
> from the provided list and mainly not concerning the "Trusty"
> release, which is the one which can take more time to confirm 8-D ).
> Please email me telling what courtesy you want to receive and where.
> And, since this is not about how much we can't do but actually what
> we can do and feels good to us, the rest of help is also
> appreciated.
> Thank you.

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