[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "Bugs/Ubuntu Bug Weekend/Confirm bugs" by es20490446e

Ubuntu Wiki noreply at ubuntu.com
Sun Mar 2 20:48:18 UTC 2014

Dear Wiki user,

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The "Bugs/Ubuntu Bug Weekend/Confirm bugs" page has been changed by es20490446e:

  ==  ==
-  * /!\ '''Before confirming''' bugs, you need to have installed [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/|Ubuntu 14.04 alpha]] in your machine.
+  * /!\ '''Before confirming''' bugs, you need to have installed [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/|Ubuntu 14.04 daily built]] in your machine.
-   * ;) But if you want to use Ubuntu 14.04 '''without having''' to modify your system so far, you can just install the [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/|daily built]] into the "[[https://www.virtualbox.org|Virtualbox]]" application (which is also available in the [[One%20Hundred%20Papercuts/The%20Ubuntu%20Software%20Center|Ubuntu Software Center]]).
+   * ;) But if you want to use Ubuntu 14.04 '''without having''' to modify your system so far, you can just install the [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/|daily built]] into the "[[https://www.virtualbox.org|Virtualbox]]" application, which is also available in the [[One%20Hundred%20Papercuts/The%20Ubuntu%20Software%20Center|Ubuntu Software Center]] (you can follow this [[http://youtu.be/FNTFDnle3Hc|video-tutorial]]).
   * (!) If a bug report seems '''very hard''' for you to manage, you shall want to '''just ignore''' it and continue with a different one.
    * ;) Alternatively you can [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Contact|ask for guidance]].

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