Common situations where a bug isn't real

Brian Murray brian at
Mon Jun 16 22:02:25 UTC 2014

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 09:57:08PM +0200, Alberto Salvia Novella wrote:
> I've been writing a list of common situations where a bug isn't real:
> <>

I don't like the phrase "isn't real". Even if the bug report is not a
bug that developers of Ubuntu are going to fix doesn't mean it isn't a
real issue affecting the user of an Ubuntu system. This is particularly
true with the following points:

"Its software package isn't open source"
"Its software package has been installed from elsewhere"
"The misconfigured their system" (notice the grammar change)

The language "isn't real" is likely to aggravate people and rightfully

Brian Murray
Ubuntu Bug Master
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