We could automatically clean End Of Life bugs
Alberto Salvia Novella
es20490446e at gmail.com
Sun Jul 20 13:32:47 UTC 2014
Daniel Letzeisen:
> Yes, they can still be present, but unless the reporter confirms that it
> is still present in a supported release, the bug should automatically go
> to Incomplete if it is tagged with EOL release(s).
This is exactly what a human will do, and there will be no difference if
it is done by a bot.
The probability of discarding a good bug automatically by setting it to
"incomplete" and asking the user for confirming the bug is the same for
a human than for a bot.
The only difference will be that you will save bug squad members from
looking at the 70% of bugs in Launchpad.
Walter Garcia-Fontes:
> This is exactly what I was thinking, usually reporters are quite
> pissed off about unattended bugs, if they get a bot response closing
> their report they can get even more pissed off.
The bot shall not close the bug, but ask the user for information by
setting the status to "incomplete"; exactly as it would be done by a human.
In fact what really pisses the user is to have their reports managed
slow, and the root cause of this is looking at tons of reports that
doesn't matter or could be managed automatically. Then, years later,
answering using bottled friendliness language; while what these users
are really expecting for is simply to know you are addressing the REAL
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