Utopic Bug Hug and Testing Day, July 10th 1900 UTC

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com
Wed Jul 9 19:51:39 UTC 2014

On 07/08/2014 03:39 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
> On 07/08/2014 02:40 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>> The first testing day of the cycle is coming this week on Thursday, 
>> June 10th. Elfy and myself will be giving demos and talking about 
>> running and testing the development release of ubuntu.
>> You can catch the action live on ubuntuonair.com at 1900 UTC.
> That would be July 10th.. Someone remind me it's 2014 again too, ok?

The bughug page is also now live, 

You can see we have a list of installer bugs to go after! Bug hug 
veterans, feel free to point out any errors I may have made in prepping 
the page ;-)

Remember, 23 hours from this mailing the event begins. See you all tomorrow!


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