Please, consider reflecting on the Canonical Contributor Agreement

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at
Mon Dec 29 02:50:52 UTC 2014

Hi, this is Alberto; who is currently coordinating Ubuntu papercuts quality.

I wanted to bring up a topic which I have been thinking about five 
months from now, and after speaking with the appropriate people and 
deliberating about it; I conclude it really needs to change.

Canonical Contributor Agreement (
 > We may license the Contribution under any license, including
 > copyleft, permissive, commercial, or proprietary licenses.

Probably this has been done for keeping code copy-left while being able 
to charge telephony manufacturers for using libre software, instead of 
just giving it freely to leechers under a non copy-left license.

But there's a problem with that, which is it overrides the social 
contract with people to code to belong to the world not to a group of 
individuals; making the system abusive by design.

It's like telling that an autocracy is better because its drivers have 
extra flexibility to do whatever will be needed in future, which is also 
a proven method for sinking projects and communities.

So please address the root causes that let to this issue, so we have a 
healthy environment for everyone.

Thanks for your understanding.


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