The bottleneck is triaging

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at
Sun Dec 14 16:22:41 UTC 2014

Thomas Ward:
 > I'm going to come out and say that you haven't defined the scope of
 > your metrics or your method of assessing the metrics.

Sorry, that's true. You can analyse that in <>.

Thomas Ward:
 > Are you certain that's the only bottleneck?
 > Part of me believes that another potential bottleneck is not
 > actually the triage process - rather the hurdle of finding
 > individuals willing to maintain the Universe software.

The metric is for Ubuntu as a hole. So it would indicate that if a 
project doesn't gather enough development attention it isn't because 
people isn't interested in helping Ubuntu, but that particular project.

Michel Memeteau:
> Alberto , the solution is not to flag bugs as won't fix when you don't
> understand them correctly like this one :
> Please don't do that if you are not 100% sure of what you are doing.

This is not related with the topic in this thread. You are welcome to 
open a new conversation, but not to hijack ongoing ones.

Thomas Ward:
 > Marking bugs as "Won't Fix" or a status that is not relevant in the
 > specific case are another bottleneck - triagers who don't fully
 > understand what should be done.

Google stated a long time ago that Chrome is Chromium with the 
capability of running proprietary code.

Chromium developers closed it upstream because patching that bug is 
equal to building a second Chrome browser.

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