Bug Triage processes need some improvement and automation (Bug triage activity summary)...

AG Restringere ag.restringere at gmail.com
Fri Nov 8 01:36:02 UTC 2013

> There is a gear icon that allows you to change what information is
> displayed in the bug list.  A useful attribute to have there is "Date
> last updated".  Once it is there you click on it to sort by the date
> last updated.  I think you could do a search for Confirmed bugs then
> sort by date last updated with the least recently updated ones at the
> top and find a good approximation of what you want.

Those are actually really useful features I didn't know about. I guess I
can build a workflow around those and explore which options work best.
 Once I find a useful strategy I'll provide some feedback on it.

One thing I personally use is a Firefox Greasemonkey script that marks
> up bug comments with team membership information for bug commenters,
> using this allows me to quickly scan a bug's contents for the comments I
> may want to read first.  Here's a screenshot:

Building a "Bug Squad/Control" Firefox extension would be the best way to
implement this, because that's the default Ubuntu browser, though a Chrome
one would be great too.  That way you could just augment the information
that the Bug Report provides and not bother the Launchpad people and
workaround the issue.  This extension could be extended to provide even
more summary information and accomplish the goals of this proposal.

Thanks for the interesting feedback.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Brian Murray <brian at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 07, 2013 at 06:06:28PM -0500, AG Restringere wrote:
> > @ Brian Murray, I've shelved and retracted the previous proposal after
> some
> > discussion on the Bug-Squad mailing list.  The process I was proposing
> was
> > simply diametrically opposed to the current Bug Squad/Control processes
> and
> > would not actually work as intended in actual application. However I did
> > "drill down" to the problem that I had and it turned out to be a problem
> > with what kind of data is displayed on actual bug reports in Launchpad
> and
> > making that data more searchable.  It's not a process problem, it's a
> data
> > display and search issue.
> >
> >
> > > What types of bugs did you have difficultly searching for?
> >
> >
> > Yes, Launchpad has loads of detailed search items available but the
> problem
> > with looking at bugs about to expire is that these are bugs that I should
> > NOT be looking at, it's better to let them expire like you said.  True I
> > could see if they are Incomplete but that would mean that Bug Triage has
> > already done their job and is just waiting for the Reporter. The bugs I
> > want to find are ones with multiple Reporters are Confirmed and fresh but
> > aren't getting any attention from Bug Triage or not enough attention.
> This
> > the area where I could really jump in a "pick up the slack".
> When looking at a list of bugs about a package (or a project) at a url
> like this:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bugs
> There is a gear icon that allows you to change what information is
> displayed in the bug list.  A useful attribute to have there is "Date
> last updated".  Once it is there you click on it to sort by the date
> last updated.  I think you could do a search for Confirmed bugs then
> sort by date last updated with the least recently updated ones at the
> top and find a good approximation of what you want.
> > There doesn't seem to be a way to search for bugs that have low "bug
> > triage" activity because Launchpad just records everyone's activity and
> > only reports generic information.  That is activity from Reporters,
> > Developers, Packagers and Bug Control/Squad members, everyone, but it
> > doesn't separate out or filter just activity from Bug Control/Squad.
> This makes an assumption that activity from people who are not in the
> Ubuntu Bug Squad or Ubuntu Bug Control is less valuable, which is not
> the case.  There are plenty of developers of other distributions and
> upstream projects who are not members of either team.  Frequently, we
> (Ubuntu Developers) see patches for bugs from new Launchpad users.
> One thing I personally use is a Firefox Greasemonkey script that marks
> up bug comments with team membership information for bug commenters,
> using this allows me to quickly scan a bug's contents for the comments I
> may want to read first.  Here's a screenshot:
> http://www.murraytwins.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/lp-gm-script.png
> We can see that Bryce is a developer and member of Ubuntu Bug Control.
> Another script that I use displays the date the bug was last updated at
> the top of the bug report.  So it now says:
> Reported by Bob on 2010-05-15 and last updated on 2013-11-07
> It's not perfect but it helps my work flow.
> --
> Brian Murray
> Ubuntu Bug Master
> --
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