Ubuntu-bugsquad Digest, Vol 79, Issue 9
Philippe Letendre
pletendre at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 19:12:44 UTC 2013
Hey Rob I can help you with that no problem just send me a detailed step by step of what you tried to accomplish and I can send you a walk through containing all the necessary steps to resolve this issue.
Philippe Letendre
On 2013-01-05, at 7:00 AM, ubuntu-bugsquad-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
> Send Ubuntu-bugsquad mailing list submissions to
> ubuntu-bugsquad at lists.ubuntu.com
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Low bug triage activity all around (Timo Jyrinki)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 16:31:51 +0200
> From: Timo Jyrinki <timo.jyrinki at gmail.com>
> To: Omer Akram <om26er at ubuntu.com>, AG Restringere
> <ag.restringere at gmail.com>
> Cc: Ubuntu BugSquad <ubuntu-bugsquad at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Subject: Re: Low bug triage activity all around
> Message-ID:
> <CAJtFfxmpUBn_tYhJtH6FXVJCi1D2OuNwNbctC37jeEYg9wTxeg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> 2013/1/2 AG Restringere <ag.restringere at gmail.com>:
>> fact that many of the old bugs are for versions of Ubuntu that have already
>> reached "end of life" such as 11.10 or 10.04 and are no longer supported. I
> Note that 10.04 is LTS release so still supported until 2013 (desktop)
> / 2015 (server).
> 2013/1/3 Omer Akram <om 26er at ubuntu.com>:
>> More suggestions/objections welcome.
> In general regarding the development releases, there is the change of
> thinking that should be pushed to the community that
> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ _is_ the new Alpha,
> available whenever you want it. Maybe the daily should be renamed to
> alpha...
> Also in the past when there still were Alpha:s, I noticed many people
> are fixated on the terminology and don't want to install anything else
> than the image that has a real name on it. Now +1 has been in
> alpha-releasable stage all the time for a couple of releases (since
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlusOneMaintenanceTeam), but there are years
> of habits of thinking there are real alpha releases and then random
> snapshots that may be totally broken.
> -Timo
> ------------------------------
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> End of Ubuntu-bugsquad Digest, Vol 79, Issue 9
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