[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "Bugs/Responses" by shankao

Ubuntu Wiki noreply at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 8 15:05:43 UTC 2013

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The "Bugs/Responses" page has been changed by shankao:

Remove broken link

  Occasionally, bug reporters will report a bug about a version of a package not provided by Ubuntu or less often about software not provided by Ubuntu.  In which case we can not help them and the bug should be set to '''Invalid'''.
- ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee">Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and trying to help make Ubuntu better.  However, it seems that you are not using a software package provided by the official Ubuntu repositories.  Because of this the Ubuntu project can not support or fix your particular bug.  Please report this bug to the provider of the software package.  Thanks! <<BR>><<BR>>If you are interested in learning more about software repositories and Ubuntu the following pages should be informative:<<BR>><<BR>>1. http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - information about Ubuntu repositories<<BR>>2. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - information regarding managing repositories||
+ ||<tablestyle="background-color: #eee">Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and trying to help make Ubuntu better.  However, it seems that you are not using a software package provided by the official Ubuntu repositories.  Because of this the Ubuntu project can not support or fix your particular bug.  Please report this bug to the provider of the software package.  Thanks! <<BR>><<BR>>If you are interested in learning more about software repositories and Ubuntu, check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories||
  == Fixed in Development release while still existing in a previous release ==

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