Low bug triage activity all around

Maarten Bezemer maarten.bezemer at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 11:47:34 UTC 2013

On Tuesday 01 January 2013 22:21:41 Omer Akram wrote:
> So I think we need to think of some ways to improve the situation and get
> more people involved into this effort. Does anyone have
> suggestions/comments about this matter.

Personally, I would love to help out where possible. But, it is quite 
overwhelming. I think it would help greatly to reinstate mentors again, maybe 
in another way, so people are willing to become mentor again?

Or if mentors are (still) not viable (anymore), it might help to create some 
kind of (extensive) tutorial, which guides new users through to overwhelming 
triaging, different project types,  testing patches, fixing bugs, etc.

Personally, my problem is that I do not know where to start, eventhough I am 
trying to help out for a long time already... How to find suitable bugs for an 
inexperienced triager like myself. It basically is all 'too much'.


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