Low bug triage activity all around

AG Restringere ag.restringere at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 22:49:16 UTC 2013


I'm just getting started with bug reports as I a recently joined Ubuntu-X
and am starting to get the hang of it.  One of the issues I'm having is the
fact that many of the old bugs are for versions of Ubuntu that have already
reached "end of life" such as 11.10 or 10.04 and are no longer supported.
 I feel like telling these bug reporters to upgrade and see if it's fixed
but I don't know if that's the way to go.


On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Fabio Marconi <marconifabio at hotmail.it>wrote:

>  On 01/01/2013 18:21, Omer Akram wrote:
> Hey all,
>  I have been involved in bug triage for a while in Ubuntu and it seems
> this scene is not that active it used to be although alot of great folks
> from our community are highly devoted.
>  I am not sure about the reason behind that but one thing I am sure is
> that previously we had running efforts like "Bug Days" where a certain
> package was selected and all of the Ubuntu Bug Squad was invited to
> participate in triaging those bugs.
>  Another reason which could be related is that now there is no one in the
> Ubuntu desktop team (or Canonical) to lead the effort of Bug management and
> community involvement previously Pedro played a big role there.
>  So I think we need to think of some ways to improve the situation and
> get more people involved into this effort. Does anyone have
> suggestions/comments about this matter.
>  Thanks
>  Yes, pedro_ place still actually vacant, I cannot see any other person
> with his charisma and communicativity at the moment, I cannot perceive enthusiasm
> in this group.
> Was a great fault for a group that was growing up, now seems to me that
> everyone stay on its own, without willingness to mentor, explain and create
> a positive group around him.
> Just my 5 cents.
> Have a great year
> Fabio
> --
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