[Community Ubuntu Documentation] Update of "ReportingBugs" by penalvch
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Tue Dec 3 00:02:13 UTC 2013
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The "ReportingBugs" page has been changed by penalvch:
Added BIOS update collatoral damage statement.
Thank you for reading this article. This will guide you on how best to present your bug report so that it gets addressed as soon as possible. Here are a few guiding principles that lead to success in getting bugs fixed:
- Before filing any hardware related reports on Launchpad, please '''update''' your BIOS, and hardware firmware (CF card readers, SSDs, USB 3.0 controllers, DVD/CD drives, etc.) to the newest available from your vendor. Outdated and buggy BIOS and firmware is a common cause of a variety of hardware issues (ex. intermittent wireless, suspend not working, certain keys on keyboard not working correctly, card readers not working, and kernel panics after plugging USB drive in). Also, please don't make the invalid argument that because it works in Windows, but doesn't in linux, this isn't caused by an outdated BIOS. This is due to how buggy BIOS problems may manifest themselves in linux, but not in Windows. As well, because BIOS vendors typically test to Windows only and make release notes commenting on results to it, it wouldn't advise on if a problem in linux is resolved by it. Hence, one should update anyways, even if your problem isn't specifically mentioned. In summation, if your vendor has a newer version of the BIOS on their website, and you have not updated to this, your report is considered [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status|Status Incomplete]] whether or not someone toggled the Status of your report.
+ Before filing any hardware related reports on Launchpad, please '''update''' your BIOS, and hardware firmware (CF card readers, SSDs, USB 3.0 controllers, DVD/CD drives, etc.) to the newest available from your vendor. Outdated and buggy BIOS and firmware is a common cause of a variety of hardware issues (ex. intermittent wireless, suspend not working, certain keys on keyboard not working correctly, card readers not working, and kernel panics after plugging USB drive in). Also, please don't make the invalid argument that because it works in Windows, but doesn't in linux, this isn't caused by an outdated BIOS. This is due to how buggy BIOS problems may manifest themselves in linux, but not in Windows. As well, because BIOS vendors typically test to Windows only and make release notes commenting on results to it, it wouldn't advise on if a problem in linux is resolved by it. Hence, one should update anyways, even if your problem isn't specifically mentioned. In addition, BIOS updates are for collatoral damage avoidance. In summation, if your vendor has a newer version of the BIOS on their website, and you have not updated to this, your report is considered [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status|Status Incomplete]] whether or not someone toggled the Status of your report.
Please do not claim because you or someone else filed a bug report upstream or downstream (which is publicly viewable, and has no restrictions on who can file) you are somehow exempt from providing the information a developer or triager requested. You are being asked for this information so that it would provide more information on how to fix the problem.
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