Bug Squad and a lot of asks to update BIOS

Dr. David Alan Gilbert ubuntu at treblig.org
Sat Aug 10 11:06:13 UTC 2013

* Phil Wyett (one.ukit at gmail.com) wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it now policy with certain bugs, for the user to be asked to update
> their BIOS? It seems to happening a heck of a lot these days. With the
> inherent danger of BIOS updates and that Ubuntu (Linux for Human Beings)
> has users that are not that technically minded or would shy away from
> such an update - Should it being happening so often?

Yeh I've had a few of those - and I agree it's dangerous.
There are bugs that might very well be fixed by a new BIOS,
but it does need some careful consideration.


(Resent with right 'from')
 -----Open up your eyes, open up your mind, open up your code -------   
/ Dr. David Alan Gilbert    |       Running GNU/Linux       | Happy  \ 
\ gro.gilbert @ treblig.org |                               | In Hex /
 \ _________________________|_____ http://www.treblig.org   |_______/

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