[OpenWeek] Call for Instructor

José Antonio Rey joseeantonior at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 15 05:35:42 UTC 2012

Hello, guys! I'm organizing this OpenWeek, which will run from 24 to 26
October. I'd like to invite you guys to participate. Having a session
about the BugSquad would be great. You just need to introduce yourself,
explain what you do for the team, and how can people contribute to it,
all of this in a 1-hour session. The schedule, with the open slots, are
here: <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek /quantal/Timetable>. Let
me know any of you is interested in running  it, and I'll put it in the
schedule ASAP. Note that the 26th is the On Air! day, which means the
sessions will be Live, in a G+ Hangout On Air. Thanks for your help!

José Antonio Rey

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