[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "X/Troubleshooting" by bryce

Ubuntu Wiki noreply at ubuntu.com
Tue Nov 20 19:47:17 UTC 2012

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The "X/Troubleshooting" page has been changed by bryce:

   * [[X/Troubleshooting/HugeFonts|Fonts displayed way too big]]
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance|Intel graphics performance issues]]
   * [[X/i8xxUnsupported|i855 is Unsupported]] - Explanation of why i845, i855, i865, etc. chips aren't supported
-  * [[X/HybridGraphics|Hybrid Graphics is Unsupported]] - Not officially supported, but the community has workarounds
  Input Issues
   * [[Hotkeys/Troubleshooting|Multimedia hotkey problems]]

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