New message for Bug/Responses#Release_has_reached_EOL

Andrea Corbellini corbellini.andrea at
Thu May 17 14:44:30 UTC 2012


On 17/05/12 11:57, Maarten Bezemer wrote:
> I've tried recreating this bug with RELEASE and was unable to,
> given the information you've provided. Please either a) upgrade
 > and test or b) increase the verbosity of the steps to recreate
 > it so we can try again.
> Do feel free to report any other bugs you may find.

It looks good to me overall. There's just one thing that should be 
changed: I'd remove the "either" word and rephrase the sentence more or 
less in this way: "Please upgrade to the latest version and re-test. If 
the bug is still reproducible, increase the verbosity ..."

I would also include a link to an help page explaining how to perform 
the upgrade, i.e.

Andrea C.

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