Just joined: Advice before I start making changes?‏

Patrick Santos milljudgement+ubuntu at hotmail.com
Thu May 10 20:17:51 UTC 2012

Hello all,

I would like to help out working with Ubuntu bugs, and I just joined.  Is there a meeting time or other event in the near future for me to sync up with someone on IRC or other live chat to guide me through working on simple tasks for the team?

As some background, I am a Masters student with specialization in systems and machine intelligence (a.k.a. "AI"). Despite my "specialization", I try to keep my skills up in low-level programming (assembly, C not plus plus, Java, electronics) like I am now to not cripple my job seeking potential.
I have been working with Linux on my home, workstation, and small fileservers since Debian "Sarge" / Ubuntu Dapper. I want to help with Ubuntu development to learn and pad my CV. Note my only experience with Linux is as a USER - my closest to development I've gotten so far is compiling my own kernel for video drivers a few years back. However, I have co-op work experience in both "sides" of bugs - 4+8 months as a tester creating test cases and filing bugs, 4 months as a developer fixing bugs (from other testers). Although I have no triage experience (aside from sending a bug back to triage if it doesn't apply to me), I would like to get involved in triage so I can get a good grasp of how everything "fits together" in the codebase.

As noted, I don't want to jump in and make a mess of things, so I would like to have some guidance to get started on some of the easy tasks. Note my location is Canada, EST, but my schedule is extremely flexible at the moment. If a meeting can't be arranged, another idea is assign me some task and I'll report back when I've completed it or need help to complete it.

Thank you,
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