[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "DebuggingProcedures" by veger

Ubuntu Wiki noreply at ubuntu.com
Tue Mar 20 15:55:57 UTC 2012

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The "DebuggingProcedures" page has been changed by veger:

Fixed/Updated LibreOffice link

   * [[DebuggingGconf|Gconf]]
   * [[DebuggingGwibber|Gwibber]]
   * [[DebuggingKDE|KDE applications]]
-  * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibreOfficeBugWrangling|LibreOffice]]
+  * [[LibreOfficeBugWrangling|LibreOffice]]
   * [[DebuggingGnash|Gnash Flash plugin]]
   * [[DebuggingNetworkManager|Network Manager]]
   * [[DebuggingModemmanager|Modem Manager]]

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