ProcMaps.txt may contain private information such as username

Fred . eldmannen at
Mon Jul 30 13:50:28 UTC 2012

You wouldn't search and replace for just "go", you would include the
directory separator and search for "/go/", and probably even include
home there and search for "/home/go/"
So a stacktrace should be no problem.

Yeah, temporarily replacing $USER and $HOSTNAME or exporting the
variables could be a solution too.

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 3:29 PM, Claudio Moretti <flyingstar16 at> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 4:21 AM, Fred . <eldmannen at> wrote:
>> Then someone with a basic knowledge of regular expressions should
>> write the regex. I don't think a regex would cause us any problems.
>> /^\/home\/(\w+)\/
> That does not solve the problem about replacing usernames such as "go".. The
> regex would replace the word even in places where it's not supposed to be
> removed (A stacktrace with the "go" word in it?).
> Even though I don't think this privacy issue is this big, what about
> allowing the user to temporarily replace his/hers username and hostname with
> pre-defined variables? Apport might replace $USER and $HOSTNAME temporarily,
> if the user wants to. (I'm not really sure this is entirely possible, but I
> was thinking about launching apport as
> $: USER=<user_choice> HOSTNAME=<user_choice> apport
> or exporting the two variables and then resetting it to the correct ones.. I
> don't really know, though, because it might cause trouble in name resolution
> because of /etc/hosts
> )
> Cheers,
> Claudio

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