[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "MozillaTeam/Bugs" by chrisccoulson

Ubuntu Wiki noreply at ubuntu.com
Fri Apr 20 11:08:16 UTC 2012

Dear Wiki user,

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The "MozillaTeam/Bugs" page has been changed by chrisccoulson:

  == Be specific ==
  Try to make sure that the developer will be able to reproduce the bug you are seeing.  Provide every detail you can regarding the bug, especially an explicit statement of exactly which sequence of user actions are needed to reproduce the bug.  Please don't assume that just because you experience a bug, that it will be trivial for other people to reproduce.
+ == Check if the bug has already been reported ==
+ Please try to make the effort to check if your bug has already been reported.  We appreciate that sometimes it is difficult to know what to search for, and it may be difficult to spot duplicates in the presence of so many other bug reports.
+ == Look for your problem on SUMO ==
+ Please have a look on [[http://support.mozilla.org/|http://support.mozilla.org/]], to see if anybody else has asked for support for a problem that is similar to your own.  You may find that the problem you are facing isn't really a bug, or the problem has already been reported to developers.  You may also find a workaround for your problem too.
  == Problems with a specific website ==

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