[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "X/Troubleshooting" by bryce

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Sat Apr 14 01:36:32 UTC 2012

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The "X/Troubleshooting" page has been changed by bryce:

  General Issues
   * [[X/Glossary]] - Common error messages and terminology
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/HighCPU|High CPU issues]]
+  * [[DebuggingKernelSuspend|Suspend and Resume issues]]
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/XServerCrashOnResume|xserver crash on resume]]
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/XError|Program received an X Window System error]]
   * [[X/Bugs/Transitions|X Transitions]] - Explanation for "installing xserver-xorg-core would break existing software"
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/Other|Other common issues...]]
  Display Issues
-  * [[X/i8xxUnsupported|i855 is Unsupported]] - Explanation of why i845, i855, i865, etc. chips aren't supported
-  * [[X/HybridGraphics|Hybrid Graphics is Unsupported]] - Not officially supported, but the community has workarounds
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/Resolution|Resolution issues]]
+  * [[X/Troubleshooting/NvidiaDriverMissingKernelDriver|No kernel driver for NVIDIA]]
+  * [[X/MonitorDetection|Monitor Detection problems]]
+  * [[X/Troubleshooting/Freeze|Freeze issues]]
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen|Blank Screen on startup issues]]
-  * [[X/Troubleshooting/Freeze|Freeze issues]]
+  * [[Kernel/Debugging/Backlight|Backlight issues]]
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/SingleColorScreen|Single color (brown/blue/etc.) screen on startup]]
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/HugeFonts|Fonts displayed way too big]]
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/OnlyLoadsVesa|Only loads vesa instead of correct driver]]
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance|Intel graphics performance issues]]
-  * [[X/Troubleshooting/NvidiaDriverMissingKernelDriver]]
-  * [[X/MonitorDetection|Monitor Detection problems]]
+  * [[X/i8xxUnsupported|i855 is Unsupported]] - Explanation of why i845, i855, i865, etc. chips aren't supported
+  * [[X/HybridGraphics|Hybrid Graphics is Unsupported]] - Not officially supported, but the community has workarounds
  Input Issues
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/HalBreaksKeyboardAndMouse|Keyboard and mouse quit working]]
   * [[Hotkeys/Troubleshooting|Multimedia hotkey problems]]
+  * [[DebuggingKeyboardDetection|Keyboard detection]]
+  * [[DebuggingTouchpadDetection|Touchpad detection]]
  === Troubleshooting Techniques ===
   * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions|Boot Options]]
+  * [[DebuggingKernelBoot|Debugging Kernel Boot Problems]]
   * [[X/NonGraphicalBoot|Non-Graphical Booting]] - Running X manually, without gdm
   * [[X/Debugging/WirelessWithoutX|Wireless Without X]] - How to get a wireless network connection without X.
   * [[X/Debugging/WiredWithoutRouter|Direct Wired Without WAP]] - How to connect two laptops with direct ethernet cord.

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