[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "X/Troubleshooting" by bryce

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Sat Apr 14 01:27:05 UTC 2012

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The "X/Troubleshooting" page has been changed by bryce:

   * [[Hotkeys/Troubleshooting|Multimedia hotkey problems]]
  === Troubleshooting Techniques ===
+ Booting
+  * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions|Boot Options]]
+  * [[X/NonGraphicalBoot|Non-Graphical Booting]] - Running X manually, without gdm
+  * [[X/Debugging/WirelessWithoutX|Wireless Without X]] - How to get a wireless network connection without X.
+  * [[X/Debugging/WiredWithoutRouter|Direct Wired Without WAP]] - How to connect two laptops with direct ethernet cord.
+ Crashes and Freezes 
   * [[X/Backtracing|X Backtracing]] - How to collect a backtrace for an X crash
+  * [[X/FixingCrashes|X Crash Fixing]] - How to fix X crashes
+  * [[X/InterpretingIntelGpuDump|Interpreting GPU Dumps]] - Ringbuffers, batchbuffers, and the meaning of `intel_gpu_dump` output
+  * [[X/DebuggingWithValgrind|Valgrind]] - Debugging memory leaks
+ Other Techniques
-  * [[X/Bisecting]] - Using bisection techniques to solve regressions or backport fixes
+  * [[X/Bisecting|X Bisecting]] - Using bisection techniques to solve regressions or backport fixes
   * [[X/Testing/Touch]] - Touchscreen and multi-touch testing
   * [[X/Quirks|X Quirks]] - Fixes for some common hardware-specific issues
-  * [[X/FixingCrashes|X Crash Fixing]] - How to fix X crashes
-  * [[X/InterpretingIntelGpuDump]] - Ringbuffers, batchbuffers, and the meaning of `intel_gpu_dump` output
-  * [[X/DebuggingWithValgrind]]
-  * [[X/NonGraphicalBoot]] - Running X manually, without gdm
-  * [[X/Debugging/WirelessWithoutX|Wireless Without X]] - How to get a wireless network connection without X.
-  * [[X/Debugging/WiredWithoutRouter|Direct Wired Without WAP]] - How to connect two laptops with direct ethernet cord.
-  * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions|BootOptions]]
-    * [[http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide|fglrx installation on Ubuntu]]
-  * DebuggingUsplash
-  * [[X/Dev/DeviceTreeHWDetection]]
+  * [[X/Dev/DeviceTreeHWDetection|Device Tree]]
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver|Switching between -fglrx and -ati drivers]]
   * [[X/Troubleshooting/NvidiaDriverSwitching|Switching between -nvidia and -nouveau drivers]]
-  * The {{{drm.debug=0x04}}} kernel option can be used to get additional debugging data included in your {{{dmesg}}} output.

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