Requesting an Ubuntu Translations bug day date

Gabor Kelemen kelemeng at
Mon May 30 15:06:38 UTC 2011

2011-05-30 14:42 keltezéssel, Pedro Villavicencio Garrido írta:
> Thank you for the interest on organizing a bug day, we don't have
> anything planned[1] for August yet so what about organizing the
> translations bug day on the Thursday 11?
Works for me, thanks.

> just confirm it (or propose a
> new date) and we'll add it to the planning page. Also please read the
> Organizing[2] page to know how to organize it,
Thanks, that's a useful page :)

> probably a week before
> the bug day a member of the BugSquad will contact you to start creating
> the page, setting up the instructions,etc, so please be around or
> delegate that function to other person in the translations team if
> you're not around during that time.
No problem with that, I'll be around.

Gabor Kelemen

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