Unity 'needs design' bugs

Vishnoo vish at ubuntu.com
Wed May 18 09:49:57 UTC 2011

On Wed, 2011-05-11 at 13:09 -0400, David C wrote:
> I'm wondering if the instructions for the Unity/FilingBugs page[1] are
> correct under the Design Bugs heading.  The instructions are to mark
> the bug as incomplete and add the 'needs-design' tag.  Incomplete bugs
> are automatically expired after 60 days, so it seems like this
> instruction could allow design bugs to be expired in the event that
> someone from the design team doesn't look at the bug in the 60 day
> period.
> [1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/FilingBugs

Previously these bugs were set to "Opinion"[1].
However, throughout Ubuntu we use Opinion status to *close* bugs which
devs wont fix. "The idea is that bugs can be marked closed, so
developers aren't wasting time on them, but discussion can still be
on-going." [2]There had been issues where people got frustrated that the
design bugs were marked Opinion. 

Because the team wanted to differentiate such bugs from new, confirmed
and triaged that they need to fix asap, I had suggested the change to
setting bugs to Incomplete with the tag and the bug is indeed Incomplete
without a design decision.

While the concern about bugs expiring is valid, I have *not* yet seen a
single needs-design Unity bug expire. 
This could mostly be because:
- there is often *always* a new comment/suggestion by a user (if there
is a comment after the status change to Incomplete, bugs do not expire)
- bugs have been replied to by the design team within 60 days.
- some active triage has taken place after the status was set to
Incomplete, the Unity team usually keeps updating the milestones very
often and if the bugs dont have a reply, they also ping the design team
directly to get a decision.

Since Unity has a very active bunch of triagers and community discussing
the issue, in the rare occasion that a bug does expires, I would expect
the bugs to be re-opened either by the triagers or by the reporter

[2] <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status>


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