Alpha Group

Vishnoo vish at
Wed Mar 16 09:41:36 UTC 2011

On Tue, 2011-03-15 at 15:37 -0600, Francisco Javier P.L. wrote:
> Bom día,
> I've heard that the ubuntu bugsquad team has just opened an alpha group 
> to integrate mentors/students in a mailing list and being so, I'd like 
> to be added to the list, I've tried to do it by myself using lp but the 
> group seems restricted. I joined the mentoring program 1 cicle ago, but 
> for some personal stuff I couldn't keep in close touch with my mentor 
> (mrand which is a really nice person btw).
> My wiki page is at:
> & my id in lp is:
> flw mermaos!

Welcome back and Hello,

I've included you to the launchpad team [1]. As you are already aware,
this team will have around mentees and mentors ; the idea is to:

(1) have a mailing list that does not go beyond the mentee-mentor
relationship. This ML should be used for any email contact. (Usually the
doubts of one mentee are common to others.)
(2) get a better ratio mentor/mentee.
(3) provide a better assurance that a mentee question will be timely

The list of things you *need* to follow:

- Make sure you read the 'How to Triage' wiki [2] pages well before
starting to work on bugs!
- You *should* subscribe to group's Mailing List.
- Any doubts or questions you have, you should send email to the group's
Mailing List, not directly to mentors.
- You should use IRC whenever possible: a direct contact is better for
interaction than email exchange.
- On IRC *any* of us on #ubuntu-bugs can help. You can query either one
of the mentors, or anyone in the channel. Querying the channel usually
provides a better response (what 1 mentor does not know, another mentor
will probably know).

Please do not hesitate in contacting us if you have any doubts or



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