[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "Unity/FilingBugs" by alexlauni

Ubuntu Wiki noreply at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 2 16:29:46 UTC 2011

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The following page has been changed by alexlauni:

  == Design Bugs ==
- Some bugs are not technical defects, but behavioral, or visual ones. These often require input from the design team before they can be fixed. When a bug is determined to be a design bug, it should have an ''Ayatana design'' task added to it, and its Unity status should be set to ''opinion''. After a design decision has been reached the Unity status should be set to ''triaged'' as there is then enough information for the bug to be fixed. See also the ''Blocked waiting for design decision'' canned response.
+ Some bugs are not technical defects, but behavioral, or visual ones. These often require input from the design team before they can be fixed. When a bug is determined to be a design bug, it should have an ''Ayatana design'' task added to it, and its Unity status should be set to ''incomplete'' with the tag ''needs-design''. After a design decision has been reached the Unity status should be set to ''triaged'' as there is then enough information for the bug to be fixed. See also the ''Blocked waiting for design decision'' canned response.
  An example (real world) design bug: [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/649560]]
  == Canned Responses ==
  || '''Situation''' || '''Response''' || '''Note''' ||
  || Patch needs author to sign Canonical Contributer agreement || Looks good but before we merge it we need you to sign the Canonical contributer agreement. It's a quick, but necessary step to getting your code into the tree. Luckily you only need to sign it once and it will apply to all other Canonical project contributions you may make in the future. http://www.canonical.com/contributors Make sure to CC David Barth when you send it in. || ||
- || Blocked waiting for design decision || This bug is awaiting design feedback before progress can be made. Confirming that there is a question to be answered. Will be marked triaged when design gives a suitable direction forward. || Mark status as ''opinion'' until design gives feedback ||
+ || Blocked waiting for design decision || This bug is awaiting design feedback before progress can be made. Confirming that there is a question to be answered. Will be marked triaged when design gives a suitable direction forward. || Mark status as ''incomplete'', and tag ''needs-design'' until design gives feedback. ||
  || Bug reported from clutter based Unity || This bug was reported against an old version of Unity. The new version of Unity is almost an entire rewrite based on very different technologies. Could you please check if this issue is present in the current version, and if it is reopen the bug to a NEW status. || Set the bug to invalid, and let the user reopen it ||
  = Bug Tags =

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