Kernel Team's Debugging Documentation

Brian Murray brian at
Tue Mar 1 16:40:35 UTC 2011

The Ubuntu Kernel Team has written a fair bit of debugging documentation
which can be quite helpful for us when we triage kernel bug reports.
They've asked for us review the documentation, by reading and following
it, so that we can help improve it by making it clearer and easier to

As an example I was reading the Debugging Kernel Boot and noticed that
there is a new boot parameter, vt.handoff=7, in Natty that needs to be
removed to see kernel boot messages.  I confirmed with the kernel team
by emailing their mailing list (kernel-team at and then
updated the page.  I also noticed a couple of pages were missing the
debugging category and have been adding those.  If you get a chance
please lend a hand.  Their debugging documentation can be found at:


Brian Murray
Ubuntu Bug Master
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