Busquad Meeting Reminder - Jan 11th 2011 at 1700 UTC

Philip Muskovac yofel at gmx.net
Mon Jan 10 18:43:41 UTC 2011

Hello Folks,

Don't forget that we have our Monthy BugSquad Meeting tomorrow January
11th at 1700 UTC[1]
in #ubuntu-bugs, as always everybody is welcome to join us, the
agenda[2] so far looks like:

Updates of action items from previous meeting

    Bug Day to be created for regression-potential tags
    bdmurray to remove regression-potential as an official bug tag for
    hggdh to prepare a bug day excepting kernel
    hggdh to clean up the Regression wiki pages
    nigelb to edit bugsquad headers to be similar or link to each other

    devildante to split ?HowToTriage page up into a simple page and an
advanced page
    devildante to start e-mail thread in mailing list about translations
of bug reports
    GNOME3 bug handling

Mentorship program update from Mentors.y
Open Discussions.
Chair for next meeting.

As always don't hesitate to add or modify the topics as needed,
especially since some of those were already discussed IIRC.

If you're a Mentor or Student in the BugSquad mentoring program please
attend since we'd like to hear updates on how's everything working for
you (how is your student/mentor doing), if you have updates but cannot
attend to the meeting please send an email to any of the Mentors

[1] http://tinyurl.com/4c2amnn
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Meeting
[3] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors/AdminList

Regards, Philip.

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