
Brian Murray brian at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 10 18:09:51 UTC 2011

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 02:23:11AM -0000, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> i know full well that I'm not the most active person on the team, but I
> do dive in when asked! This has me somewhat puzzled however....
> 02:10:37) phillw: indeed I am - I'm not sure who kidnapped me for it.
> (02:11:03) AndrewMC: okay i have something for you to mark wishlist :)
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/715950
> (02:13:03) AndrewMC: oh and another
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/715836
> (02:13:47) phillw: I've flagged is as 'opinion' we do not have
> 'wishlist'
> (02:14:12) AndrewMC: oh, well then i guess you aren't a bug squad member
> then
> (02:14:19) AndrewMC: as there is wishlist
> (02:14:29) AndrewMC: but only bug squad members can apply that
> (02:15:50) AndrewMC: oh well, thanks anyway :)
> did I miss some email? I do try to keep upto date with all the teams I
> am in.

Its not immediately clear to me what your question is here but I'll
guess.  Wishlist has been a bug importance for as long as I can remember
so at least since early 2007.  Additionally, the setting of importance
for Ubuntu bug tasks is restricted to the Ubuntu Bug Control team which
is a subset of the Ubuntu Bug Squad.

Brian Murray
Ubuntu Bug Master
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