New User - Two Issues that be prevented

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Mon Feb 7 17:22:19 UTC 2011

On 02/07/2011 08:59 AM, Sameem M wrote:
> Hi Team,
> I am new to Ubuntu and I am very excited to learn more about it. I just
> finished installing it along side my Win7 OS but I am also frustrated
> with small issues.
> Unfortunately, I had two issues that I think could have been easily
> prevented.

As said in another email, this is not the ideal ML to post feedback.

>       * User name must be in lower case only (a simple reminder above
>         the field would been great help) as I was not able to go forward
>         with installation and had no idea why until I did some online
>         digging. 

This is actually something brought in by Microsoft usage: on Windows:
* the user name is *not* case sensitive -- typing 'User', or 'user',
or 'USER', or 'useR' is the same.
* the password *is* case-sensitive.

On Linux (or any other brand of UNIX -- HP/UX, Solaris, AIX, etc):
* *BOTH* user name and password are case sensitive.

But I agree that a warning (hover-on-field, or something like it)
should be posted.

Please consider opening a bug on this, and marking it usability.

>       * The swap area selection. There was no any warning that any files
>         on that partition will be erased!) I lost my documents after I
>         used it  as a swap area (I thought it will be used as memory
>         dump area or something) had no idea it will erase everything....
>         If there is away for me to get my files back your help would be
>         very very appreciated. I lost over 1000 pictures and
>         documents :(

Now, on this one I am not sure what do to... I will leave it for
others. If you decide to open a bug on this one, please open
*ANOTHER* one (separate from the issue above): we need one bug per
issue, one issue per bug.



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