Launchpad bug tool

Brian Murray brian at
Fri Apr 29 16:29:12 UTC 2011

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 06:23:12PM +0200, Philip Muskovac wrote:
> On 04/29/2011 05:18 PM, Brian Murray wrote:
> >Have you ever been looking at a bug report and looked at one attachment
> >and then another and then another try to find the exact thing you
> >wanted?  I personally found this process rather painful and wanted to
> >write something to download all the attachments to my system so I would
> >have them all available and could look at them locally.  I recently
> >found out I didn't need to write it because it already existed!
> >
> >There is a python script called grab-attachments which is part of the
> >ubuntu-dev-tools package which you pass a bug number or two or three.
> >
> >grab-attachments 773137
> >
> >This will create a folder named bug-773137 in your current directory
> >with all the bug's attachments!  Then you can use grep or something with
> >all of them.
> >
> >--
> >Brian Murray
> >Ubuntu Bug Master
> >
> Nice one, sad that it can't handle duplicate attachments which is
> common with apport-collect, I filed bug 773391 about that.

I actually have a branch for this and will get it added to Oneiric.

Brian Murray
Ubuntu Bug Master
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