Ubuntu Bugsquad Meeting Times & #ubuntu-meeting

Philip Muskovac yofel at gmx.net
Thu Apr 28 19:51:18 UTC 2011

On 04/28/2011 09:00 PM, Brian Murray wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:52:40PM -0500, Micah Gersten wrote:
>> On 04/28/2011 10:32 AM, Brian Murray wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 06:04:04PM -0500, Micah Gersten wrote:
>>>> So, I did a little research into available times in #ubuntu-meeting,
>>>> here's what's available:
>>>> Tue 19:00 UTC
>>>> Wed 16:00-18:00, 19:00 UTC
>>>> Thu 16:00-18:00, 19:00 UTC
>>> I'd prefer either Tuesday or Thursday and it actually might be
>>> interesting to have it on Thursday with the Bug Day.  As I interpret the
>>> times you've listed we could start at 1600, 1700 or 1900 if want an hour
>>> long meeting is that right?
>>> I'm flexible regarding the time but would prefer it wasn't at 1900.
>>> Thanks for looking into this.
>>> --
>>> Brian Murray
>>> Ubuntu Bug Master
>> Yes, those start times are correct.  Thursday is normally fine for me as
>> well, I just won't be able to make it next week (assuming we have a
>> meeting then).
> Maybe we should have one May 5th and May 12th and then return to our new
> normal program of the 2nd Thursday?
> Barring any objections let's choose 1700 UTC as the meeting time.
> --
> Brian Murray
> Ubuntu Bug Master

+1 from me for thursday 1700 UTC, I can manage that


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