Additional "status" option
RedSingularity at
Fri Apr 15 20:37:28 UTC 2011
On 04/15/2011 03:50 PM, Vishnoo wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-04-15 at 14:00 -0400, RedSingularity wrote:
>> On 04/15/2011 12:56 PM, Brian Murray wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 06:50:11PM -0400, RedSingularity wrote:
>>>> Hey everyone. While working a bug recently I thought to myself, Why
>>>> not have a status item that lets people know that a triager is
>>>> working on the bug. I know when I am looking for bugs to triage I
>>>> always look for the "New" mark. That, to me, means that no one has
>>>> started to triage it yet and thats a sign that I can go ahead and
>>>> have a look at it. I know we have a "In Progress" option but I
>>>> think thats more for developer use if I am correct.
>>> Yes, that is correct.
>>>> As of now when working a bug I use the "Incomplete" sign to show that
>>>> it is being triaged by someone (me). I think this "Incomplete" mark
>>>> may aggravate new reporters though, and is incorrect in some cases.
>>>> For example, many times the reporter has given all the required info,
>>>> and I am in the process of triaging it. As you can see the
>>>> "Incomplete" mark, in this case, seems invalid since the report is
>>>> actually complete.
>>> What is happening when you are in the process of triaging it and how
>>> long does it take? I'm curious about how long the "Work in Progress"
>>> status would be used.
>> Nothing in particular. For example sometimes I ask the user to try different
>> things and report back with the result. This may take a few hours/days depending
>> on how much I ,or the reporter, are online.
> If you have asked a question, or asked to test something, it needs to be
> marked "incomplete". Incomplete since you are waiting for some info from
> the reporter.
> If your goal to not step into another bug triager's work, this is where
> the lp extension is handy..
> For people in bugsquad or bug control there will be an icon displayed
> next to their name.
Yeah the lp extension is VERY handy indeed. Well I guess this would answer my
question then. Incomplete would be the correct status since I am in fact
waiting for more info from the user.
>>> Additionally, a danger with using Incomplete is that the bug is then
>>> eligible for expiration.
>> Very true.
> This is not a problem if the user has replied. Only incomplete bugs
> without replies after the status was marked incomplete expire.
Thanks for the responses! Much appreciated!! :-)
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