Additional "status" option

RedSingularity RedSingularity at
Fri Apr 15 18:00:56 UTC 2011

On 04/15/2011 12:56 PM, Brian Murray wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 06:50:11PM -0400, RedSingularity wrote:
>> Hey everyone.  While working a bug recently I thought to myself, Why
>> not have a status item that lets people know that a triager is
>> working on the bug.  I know when I am looking for bugs to triage I
>> always look for the "New" mark.  That, to me, means that no one has
>> started to triage it yet and thats a sign that I can go ahead and
>> have a look at it.  I know we have a "In Progress" option but I
>> think thats more for developer use if I am correct.
> Yes, that is correct.
>> As of now when working a bug I use the "Incomplete" sign to show that
>> it is being triaged by someone (me).  I think this "Incomplete" mark
>> may aggravate new reporters though, and is incorrect in some cases.
>> For example, many times the reporter has given all the required info,
>> and I am in the process of triaging it.  As you can see the
>> "Incomplete" mark, in this case, seems invalid since the report is
>> actually complete.
> What is happening when you are in the process of triaging it and how
> long does it take?  I'm curious about how long the "Work in Progress"
> status would be used.
Nothing in particular.  For example sometimes I ask the user to try different
things and report back with the result.  This may take a few hours/days depending
on how much I ,or the reporter, are online.

> Additionally, a danger with using Incomplete is that the bug is then
> eligible for expiration.
Very true.

>> I guess to end my rant and sum up, I think a mark along the lines of
>> "Work in Progress" in the status area would be helpful to triagers,
>> and a "reassuring" mark for new users reporting bugs.  This way
>> triagers will know that the bug is being handled by someone and the
>> end user feels better that the bug is indeed being worked on instead
>> of being "Incomplete".
> A comment along the lines of "I'm working on testing this with X and Y"
> would convey the same information and prevent other issues.
I do that from time to time.  Unfortunately a triager cant see this comment
while 'sifting' through the bug list.  I, on occasion, have been 'sifting'
through reports marked "New" and have opened them only to find that someone
is already in the process of triaging it.  But since it had that status mark
of "New" I figured it may be untouched.  Obviously this is no big problem
whatsoever, but more of an idea.  I just though I would mention it :)

> --
> Brian Murray
> Ubuntu Bug Master

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