Imported Bug Comments

Ara Pulido ara at
Thu Sep 16 07:59:37 UTC 2010

Hello all,

On 16/09/10 00:42, Brian Murray wrote:
> Launchpad has had the ability to display bug comments from upstream bug
> trackers for some time now but it only works with some upstreams.  I
> thought it would be helpful to have a list of the Ubuntu packages in
> Launchpad that are displaying bug comments from upstream bug trackers so
> we can focus on forwarding these package's bugs upstream and adding the
> bug watches.
> If you'd like an example of what I am talking about see
>  Here we can see a wine1.2 (Ubuntu)
> bug task linked to an upstream Wine bug report and the comments from the
> upstream bug tracker appearing in-line.
> So if we were to make a list of packages it'd include:
> wine1.2
> wine
> thunderbird
> firefox
> What else?
> I am asking as this is rather hard to determine from Launchpad itself -
> at least as far as I can tell.  You can find bug mail about imported
> comments by looking for mail from "Bug Watch Updater" and with the body
> "Launchpad has imported" some number "comments from the remote bug".
> When I was filtering "Launchpad has imported" returned no false
> positives.
> I think posting to the list is a good way to build an initial list, as
> it'll help people learn about the packages, and then we can make a wiki
> page with them.

I think this is a great idea! I would prefer to start writing the wiki
just know, with the packages that we already know, to avoid losing track
of this conversation. What do you think?


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