launchpad +filebug redirect

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Wed Sep 8 14:25:36 UTC 2010

On Wed, 8 Sep 2010 13:13:29 +0000
Mohamed Amine IL Idrissi <ilidrissiamine at> wrote:

> I have two remaining questions:
> - Is there a guide about reporting bugs in upstream Mozilla that we
> can link to?

Not sure about that, probably Micah can answer.

> - Apart from that, do you think this is ready to replace the current
> ReportingBugs page? If there are any issues you notice, please tell
> me.

I suggest waiting a bit more, to get more feedback. I like what I see,

Two small changes:

* added a caveat for sound/X/kernel bugs: better to open a new bug
  than to comment on an existing one.
* I went ahead and swapped (4) and (5). Of course, this will not make
  people _read_ how to write an useful report _before_ opening the
  bug, but... hope springs eternal.

Thank you for this work!


C de-Avillez
IRC: hggdh

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