Keeping bugs visible after package change

Mike Rooney mrooney at
Sun Oct 24 18:44:50 UTC 2010

Hi Marcel,

When you want something to still be visible in a certain package such as
this, I believe the best way is to mark the existing task Invalid for
evince, and use the "Also affects distro" to open up a "cairo (Ubuntu)"
task. And since there is an upstream bug, it would then make sense to mark
that new task as Triaged.

As far as the tags go, check out In this
case it sounds like a potential fit: "This bug has a high probability of
duplicate reports being filed.".

- Mike

On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 2:58 AM, Marcel Stimberg <
marcelcoding at> wrote:

> Hi bugsquad,
> I was debugging an evince printing bug (
> ) that
> turned out to be a bug in the cairo library. Now of course the
> affected package should be changed to reflect this. But what is the
> recommended procedure to leave this bug visible in evince (users will
> certainly not look at the cairo bugs)? And what is the exact role of
> the "metabug" tag ( = "This bug has a high probability of duplicate
> reports being filed.")?
> Thanks, best
>  Marcel
> --
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