Meeting Minutes: 2010 10 12

Jean-Baptiste Lallement jean-baptiste at
Wed Oct 13 09:06:20 UTC 2010

On 10/12/2010 08:07 PM, Brian Curtis wrote:
> Hey all,
> Thanks to those who attended and added great discussion to todays
> meeting.  The following if the log from today's meeting.  Thanks to
> our new meeting bot, minutes are simple.  If you wish to continue a
> discussion from here, please create a new thread for it as it will
> make following it very easy.
Thanks for the minutes.
I'll take the actions:
 ** to prepare a bug day excepting kernel
 ** to clean up the Regression wiki pages

One other point, I think it's worth copy/pasting the minutes to the wiki
because we have control over the document (edit it, keep it forever if
we want, ...)

irc: jibel

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