Packages to investigate

Brian Murray brian at
Mon Nov 22 21:22:22 UTC 2010

As we all know there are a lot of packages and bugs to keep track of in
Ubuntu.  One idea that occurred to me recently, to help identify
packages in need of triage, was to calculate an average bug heat for the
particular package.  I've made a first pass at this using all the
packages in the ubuntu-desktop package set.  Here are the top 10

usb-modeswitch-data - median: 764, mode: 1448
language-pack-gnome-fa-base - median: 408, mode: 408
language-pack-gnome-pt - median: 318, mode: 318
couchdb-glib - median: 210, mode: 210
netbook-meta - median: 145, mode: 408
pyopenssl - median: 136, mode: 259
shotwell - median: 124, mode: 6
appmenu-gtk - median: 122, mode: 408
gnome-python-extras - median: 114, mode: 3
telepathy-gabble - median: 104, mode: 49

As I ran this last Friday there might be some variance in the numbers.
I'm curious whether or not you think the bug reports for these packages
really need reviewing.

Brian Murray
Ubuntu Bug Master
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