emacs22 has been removed from the archive, can we now close its bugs?

Micah Gersten micahg at ubuntu.com
Sun Nov 14 03:46:37 GMT 2010

On 11/13/2010 06:31 AM, Philip Muskovac wrote:
> On 11/13/2010 12:51 PM, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
>> Hi,
>> since the emacs22 package has been removed from the archive[1] in favor
>> of emacs23[2], can we now close its bugs[3]? Can someone please do this
>> in a batch with a proper explanation message?
>> [1] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs22/+publishinghistory
>> [2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs22/+bug/267216
>> [3] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs22
> From what I see it has only been deleted in natty. So you can only close
> those bugs that were reported against natty. emacs22 is still supported
> in all other supported releases so the bugs against those are still
> valid and can only be closed once all releases that shipped with emacs22
> have reached EOL.
> (Correct me if I'm wrong)
> Philip

Actually, I believe the policy is that if it doesn't qualify as an SRU
and is not present in emacs23, it can be closed with the appropriate
message.  If it is present in emacs23 and doesn't qualify for an SRU,
the package can just be changed.  If it's present in emacs23 and
qualifies for an SRU, a second task should be opened for emacs23.


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