Asking for a ban

Lorenzo De Liso blackzldl at
Fri May 28 15:54:39 UTC 2010

Il giorno gio, 27/05/2010 alle 22.09 +0000, Gianfranco Costamagna ha
> I'm asking you to ban a person from LP, or maybe to change his name, since this name might be offensive for italian people and it isn't allowed on our law.


First of all, you're offtopic: this is not the place to talk about that,
as somebody said, file a question in launchpad using or talk with
launchpad in the IRC channel #launchpad on freenode, or talk with that
user instead. 

> If you want to see the name in your language please use google translate

Some expressions can't be translated in English and/or they haven't the
same meaning of the other language. 

However I'm italian and yes, it's an insult to god but as somebody don't
speak Italian we can't say it's a global insult. 

I'm agree: it's an insult to the community and somebody can feel
themselves insulted, however the user should be *first* contacted since
the user could solve this problem.

Please don't continue discussing here since as I said this isn't the
right place and we can't do nothing. 

Kind regards,

Lorenzo De Liso 

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