Trying to report a bug through launchpad without success

Javier López Pérez javivi72 at
Fri May 7 17:15:10 UTC 2010

Dear all,

Sorry if this not the proper list to ask, but it is the only 
one I have found.

I am trying to report a bug through launchpad (I already 
opened an account), but I seem to be unable.

[Although I know this is not a list for reporting bugs, I 
will clarify that the bug in question is a missing symbolic 
link in package lib32stdc++6, that is, a 32 bit library for 
a 64 bit Lucid installation; there should be a soft link 
from /usr/lib32/ to /usr/lib32/, 
but there isn't].

I have tried to do as the howto on reporting bugs says to 
open a new bug:
(in case there is some problem with the + character I have 
also tried:

but I get an error page stating that there is no such 

Any help in reporting the bug would be greatly appreciated, 
as without the symbolic link (that I had to create 
manually) no 32 bit C++ compilation in a 64 bit machine is 

Thank you very much in advanced.

PS: I am not subscribed to the list, so forward any answer 
to my email, please. Thanks!

Javier López

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