Why join bugsquad?

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at ubuntu.com
Thu May 13 11:42:12 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-05-12 at 23:54 +0530, Nitesh Mistry wrote:
> No, don't get me wrong, but just wanted to know if there is any
> difference in previleges on launchpad for a person who is member of
> bugsquad or not a member. A quick flip through initial bugsquad docs did
> not mention anywhere that only bugsquad member, can work on bugs (i.e.
> make changes to the bug reports). I am asking this so that I can ask a
> user (non-member) to change the status of bugs to confirmed, etc.
> without being replied that 'I am unable the change the status'.
> Pardon me if this is mentioned somewhere in the bugsquad wiki pages but
> I could not lay my hands on.

Not really clear, indeed. We will make it clearer. Sorry.

In terms of special privileges for bug work, no, there is no difference
in joining (or not) BugSquad. If you want to move on to BugControl,
then... yes, you should first join BugSquad. Bug access privileges start
to be available on BugControl, and one of the requirements to join
BugControl is to have a track record on BugSquad work.

You might look at it this way: when you join the Ubuntu BugSquad, the
princical message you are passing is that you are really interested in
helping triage bugs.

Good question :-)

Thank you,

C de-Avillez
IRC: hggdh
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