bugsquad and bugcontrol application

Lorenzo De Liso blackz at email.it
Thu Mar 25 17:25:50 UTC 2010

Il giorno gio, 25/03/2010 alle 22.12 +0500, Omer Akram Bhutta ha
> Kiwinote is awesome in software-center bugs, I am just subscribed to the
> package but see a lot of emails regularly handled in a manner which a
> bug control member does and he is also fixing bugs +1

This is the wrong list for ~ubuntu-bugcontrol applications. Please send
other e-mail for ~ubuntu-bugcontrol just to
ubuntu-bugcontrol at lists.launchpad.net



Lorenzo D. (alias BlackZ).

Registred linux user #504077
IT Security consultant
Launchpad profile: https://www.launchpad.net/~blackz
Personal home page: http://blackz.unix-below.net/

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