Bugsquad membership

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at ubuntu.com
Tue Mar 2 14:52:40 UTC 2010

On Tue, 02 Mar 2010 02:30:36 -0000
Matthew Gardiner <flash858 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello - I received an email stating my bugsquad membership was due to
> expire in a couple of days. Ostensibly, this is a result of lack of
> activity. I'm sorry for that, but I had a touch of cancer, and then
> when I started in on Lucid, Alpha 3 was the first I could get to
> install on my system (neither 1 or nor 2 would even boot), and I have
> just started poking around.
> Please let me know what I need to do to stay active.
> Thanks!

Thank you for your interest in helping bug triaging and making Ubuntu better. I cannot approve your renewal right now, since you did not complete all required steps (please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad). I have listed the basic requirements below:

    * sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.
    * Read the Triage Guide.
    * Subscribe to the Bug Squad Mailing List 

After you complete the previous steps, please resend an email to the Bug Squad Mailing List; the email should contain at a minimum:

    * Your Launchpad ID
    * A confirmation that you read the Triage Guide; if you have any questions please drop a separate email to the list. 

We will approve your request as soon as the above steps are completed.

Again, thank you for helping,

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